Digital technology is changing our personal and professional lives and develop the skills to flourish in the digital world of work.In the pandemic situation, the need for digital skills is rapidly increased. A large number of activities related to work, school/education, caring, shopping, socializing and other pastimes, among others, moved from the physical to the virtual world. Internet-based companies such as Amazon, Zoom, Netflix and flipkart experienced record growth in sales and customer base; although others such as travel and transport related platforms faced a steep decline. This course will help student teachers to secure that ideal job, to be digital in each task or simply increase their chances to get good jobs in India & abroad.Outcomes :
- Student teachers will learn basic Digital Skills.
- Student teachers will use Microsoft office tools in their daily teaching learning process.
- Student teachers will learn Google tools & use it in Practice teaching & Internship.
- Student teachers will use interactive ICT tools in teaching learning process.
- Student teachers will make videos of cultural activities & edit it & upload it on you tube channel.
- Student teachers will face the challenges in the digital world with confidence.
- No. of Credits: 4
- Total Marks: 200
- Methods of Assessment: Examination 25% Assignment 75%